An empowring solution

With the expertise of 400+ well-being professionals, we guarantee the right help for every employee. We are sure that our guidance leads to active usage of our platform and thus improves well-being.

Everything an employee needs is access to the platform.

How it works

Take care of the well-being of your employees in just a few easy steps

Personal wellbeing plan

1. Identify

Our starting point is that every person is different and therefore has different needs. Through a personal conversation with one of our experts, we will determine what is needed and an appropriate well-being plan will be drawn up.

Door middel van een persoonlijk gesprek met één van onze experts wordt bepaald waar behoefte aan is en wordt een passend welzijnsplan opgesteld.

Largest range of experts

2. Inspire

Employees choose the expert that suits their needs. Empowr offers access to 400+ well-being professionals divided into 15 different categories, within 6 different themes.

In addition to our personal guidance, employees have unlimited access to:

✓ Live master classes and meditations
✓ Online mini-courses
✓ Challenges
✓ Wide selection of video and audio content

Measuring & optimizing

3. Impact

As a manager, via our platform, you get access to anonymized data to monitor and optimize the well-being of your team.


Our support

We inspire, educate and activate companies and their employees

For employees
Well-being is a broad topic. That is why we not only offer an exclusive platform with 300+ experts, but also individual guidance through a personal well-being plan. In addition, we inspire employees with master classes, mini-courses, live sessions and more. In this way, we ensure that there is something for everyone.
For managers
Managers play a critical role in addressing mental health in the workplace. We offer professional guidance to managers through 1-on-1 consultations, group sessions and a separate manager kick-off. In this way, they can learn from experts and from each other.
For companies
Take care of your employees. Everyone is different and has different welfare needs. empowr. offers wide choices for employees and convenience for the employer. 1 debtor, monthly insights and activation support. In this way, we jointly keep your employees in good condition.
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